Cert Monitor is a CLI tool to discover and monitor X509 Certificates from various sources (TCP, HTTPS, SAML, JWK, Files). It is composed of a monitoring server that will periodically re-discover configured remote sources and expose the corresponding certificate expiration date as prometheus metrics. Additionally, it comes with a built-in CLI that allows to fetch certificates from ad-hoc remote sources and display some information about the certificates (Subject, Issuer, Expiration, PEM output).
- HTTPS and TCP (e.g. LDAPS) certificates discovery
- Static PEM Certificate discovery
- SAML Metadata Certificate (IDP and SP SSO descriptor) discovery
- Scheduler: periodically re-loads HTTPS, TCP, Json Web Keys and SAML Metadata certificates
- Exposes Certificate Expirations as Prometheus Metrics
- (Alerting provided by Grafana: dashboards provided in grafana-dashboards/)
- CLI: fetches certificate from remote sources (TCP, HTTPS, SAML, JWK) and display certificate information and PEM output