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Cert Monitor can run in server mode, where it will periodically re-discover the X509 certificates exposed by the configured remote endpoints. The server displays the expiration date of all discovered X509 certificate as Prometheus metrics (see section Prometheus Metrics).


Cert Monitor it-self does not come with alerting capability, but is intended to be integrated with existing OpenSource solution such as Prometheus Alert Manager, Grafana.

Running the Server

There are two options for running the server:

cert-monitor server --config example/config.yaml
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/example/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml:z vdbulcke/cert-monitor:v1.2.1


See example/config.yaml provided with the Github repo.

Server Configuration

Listening port


Mandatory configuration setting

## Prometheus
### Listening port  (Mandatory)
prometheus_listening_port: 9000

Logger Config


Optional configuration setting

## Log
### Set a log file (default is 'stdout')
log_file: /tmp/debug.log
### Set the log format as JSON (default is 'false') 
log_json_format: true

By default logs are written to STDOUT in structured log format. You can change the format to JSON with log_json_format. Additionally, you can have the logs written to a specific log file with log_file.

Source: Static Directory


Optional configuration setting

## CertificatesDir
### path to a directory that contains from certificates as PEM
### that needs to be monitored
### NOTE: This is only loaded at startup
certificate_dir: /path/to/a/dir/containing/pem/certificates

With certificate_dir, Cert Monitor server will process files ending in .pem in the directory, and expose the corresponding Prometheus metric certmonitor_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds (see Section "Prometheus Metrics") with the expiration.


It is advised to name the PEM certificates in the certificate dir with sha256 in the file name, so that you can easily find the certificate based on the sha256fingerprint label of the prometheus metric.

Source: Remote TLS Endpoint


Optional configuration setting

## Remote TLS endpoint
### List of 'RemoteTLSEndpoints'
### RemoteTLSEndpoints:
###     ## address to query. Format
###     ## -
###     ## -
###     ## -
###     address: (required)
###     ## servername for the TLS SNI extension. 
###     servername: (optional)
## use 'servername' to Force the SNI to a specific value
- address: ""
  servername: "" 

## use 'address' for default SNI value
- address: ""

With remote_tls_endpoints you can monitor certificates expose on HTTPS endpoints.

The basic configuration is to specify the address to be monitored. The address field support a few formats:

  • URLS: starting with https://[HOST]:[PORT]/[PATH]
  • Address (or IP) & Port: with [HOST]:[PORT]
  • Address (or IP) alone: [HOST]

Based on the information provided by the address field, Cert Monitor will reconstruct a URL.

Optionally, you can force a specific SNI with servername (see for more info) if you have different certificate chain based on the SNI extension.


If you are not using this feature, comment out the whole block including remote_tls_endpoints:, OR set the Remote TLS option to an empty list remote_tls_endpoints: []

Source: Remote TCP Endpoint


Optional configuration setting

## Remote TCP TLS endpoint
### List of 'RemoteTLSEndpoints'
### RemoteTCPTLSEndpoint:
###     ## address or IP to query. Format
###     ## -
###     address: (required)
###     ## port  to query. Format Integer
###     port: (required)
###     ## servername for the TLS SNI extension. 
###     servername:
- address: ""
  port: 3636
  servername: "*"

With remote_tcp_tls_endpoints you can monitor certificates expose on remote TCP endpoints (endpoint not supporting HTTPS).

The basic configuration takes an address (or IP), and a port.

Optionally, you can force a specific SNI with servername (see for more info) if you have different certificate chain based on the SNI extension.


If you are not using this feature, comment out the whole block including remote_tcp_tls_endpoints:, OR set the Remote TCP option to an empty list remote_tcp_tls_endpoints: []

Source: Remote SAML Metadata Endpoint


Optional configuration setting

## Remote SAML Metadata URL Endpoints
## Since Version 0.3.0
### List of 'RemoteSAMLMetdataEndpoint'
### RemoteSAMLMetdataEndpoints:
###     ## Url pointing to SAML Metadata
###     ## -
###     url: (required)
- url: ""

With remote_saml_metadata_endpoints you can monitor certificates present in Remote SAML Metadata.

The basic configuration takes an url where the XML SAML Metadata is hosted.


If you are not using this feature, comment out the whole block including remote_saml_metadata_endpoints:, OR set the Remote SAML Metadata option to an empty list remote_saml_metadata_endpoints: []

Source: Remote JWK Endpoint


Optional configuration setting

## Remote Json Web Keys URL Endpoints
## Since Version 1.1.0
### List of 'RemoteJWKEndpoint'
### RemoteJWKEndpoints:
###     ## Url pointing to jwk_uri
###     ## -
###     url: (required)
###     ## Filter on 'alg'
###     alg: (optional)
###     ## Filter on 'kid'
###     kid: (optional)
###     ## Filter on 'kty' (Key Type) since v 1.3.0
###     kty: (optional)
- url:
  kty: RSA

With remote_jwk_endpoints you can monitor certificates present in remote JSON Web Key (in the field x5c).


If none of the JSON Web Keys hosted on the Url have the x5c field, no x509 Certificate can be found and thus no expiration metrics will be set.

The basic configuration takes an url pointing to a Remote JWK.

Optionally, you can specify one or more filters (if more than one key is hosted on the remote JWK endpoint):

  • alg: only process JSON Web Key matching the corresponding algorithm
  • kid: only process JSON Web Key matching the corresponding Key ID
  • kty: only process JSON Web Key matching the corresponding Key Type


If you are not using this feature, comment out the whole block including remote_jwk_endpoints:, OR set the Remote JWK option to an empty list remote_jwk_endpoints: []



This setting is Mandatory if any of the remote_tls_endpoints, remote_tcp_tls_endpoints, remote_saml_metadata_endpoints or remote_jwk_endpoints is configured

## Scheduler
### period in hours to check the Remote endpoint 
### see 'remote_tls_endpoints',  'remote_tcp_tls_endpoints', 
### 'remote_saml_metadata_endpoints', and 'remote_jwk_endpoints'
schedule_job_hours: 12

With schedule_job_hours Cert Monitor will re-discover certificates hosted on Remote Sources

  • Remote TLS Endpoint
  • Remote TCP Endpoint
  • Remote SAML Metadata Endpoint
  • Remote JWK Endpoint

HTTP Client Tunning


Optional configuration setting

## Http Client Option
## Since Version v1.2.0
### RemoteEndpointTimeout: (Optional)
###   Timeout for waiting for remote endpoints in seconds
###   Default: 10 sec
remote_endpoint_timeout: 5

### SkipTLSValidation: (Optional)
###   Disable TLS certificate validation
###   Default: false
###   WARNING: BREAKING CHANGE for tls and tcp this 
###            was set to 'true' prior to v1.2.0
skip_tls_validation: true

With remote_endpoint_timeout you can specify a timeout (in seconds) to wait for remote endpoints to respond.

With skip_tls_validation: true you can disable the validation of TLS certificates on the remote endpoints. Ths


If the TLS certificates cannot be verified the remote endpoints will not be processed.

Use skip_tls_validation: true if you are monitoring self-signed certificates.

Prometheus Metrics

All those prometheus metrics exposed the expiration date of the X509 Certificates are static Unix Timestamp in seconds. Those metrics are intended to be used with time() Prometheus method, so as to display the remaining time from current time till certificate expiration.

Based on this you can define alerting policy, such that an alert is trigger if a certificate will expire in the next 90 days for example.

Example of prometheus query:

certmonitor_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds - time()

Static Certificate Metric

  • certmonitor_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds{cert_subj=[Certificate Subject], sha256fingerprint=[Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint]}
    # HELP certmonitor_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds Expiration Date of Certificate as Unix Timestamp in seconds
    # TYPE certmonitor_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds gauge

Remote HTTPS and TCP Metric

  • certmonitor_remote_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds{cert_subj=[Certificate Subject], sha256fingerprint=[Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint]}
    # HELP certmonitor_remote_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds Expiration Date of Certificate as Unix Timestamp in seconds
    # TYPE certmonitor_remote_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds gauge

Remote SAML Metadata Metric

  • certmonitor_remote_saml_metadata_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds{cert_subj=[Certificate Subject], sha256fingerprint=[Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint]}
    # HELP certmonitor_remote_saml_metadata_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds Expiration Date of Certificate as Unix Timestamp in seconds
    # TYPE certmonitor_remote_saml_metadata_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds gauge

Remote JWK Metric

  • certmonitor_remote_jwk_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds{cert_subj=[Certificate Subject], sha256fingerprint=[Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint], alg=[jwk 'alg'], kid=[jwk 'kid']}
    # HELP certmonitor_remote_jwk_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds Expiration Date of Certificate as Unix Timestamp in seconds
    # TYPE certmonitor_remote_jwk_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds gauge

Visualization And Alerting

Visualization can be done with the combination of Grafana and Prometheus and alerting can be done via those tool (e.g. Grafana alerts, Prometheus Alertmanager).


Grafana dashboard can be found in grafana-dashboards/.

Using Proxy

Proxy Configuration are only supported for remote_tls_endpoints:. Set the standard linux environment variables

export http_proxy=''
export https_proxy=''
export no_proxy=','