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Client Configuration

You can find a complete example of the client configuration in example/config.yaml.

Client Authentication Settings

Client ID and Secret


Mandatory (either in config file or ENV variables) unless using pkce flow. In which case the client_secret is not required.

See section PKCE.

The OIDC client credentials can be passed either in the main config.yaml config file, or as environment variables.

Config File

## Client Credentials: (Mandatory)
### NOTE: those client_id/client_secret can be passed
###       as environment variables with: 
###    export OIDC_CLIENT_ID=my_client_id
###    export OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=my_client_secret
client_id: my_client_id
client_secret: my_client_secret

Env Variables

export OIDC_CLIENT_ID=my_client_id
export OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=my_client_secret

Client Authentication Method


Mandatory setting

Client authentication method MUST be one of

  • client_secret_basic: ClientID/ClientSecret are passed as Basic Authentication Header.
  • client_secret_post: ClientID/ClientSecret are passed in the POST body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters.
## Client Auth Method: (Mandatory)
###  Since version v0.2.0
### Supported Auth Method
###  * client_secret_basic (Using Basic Auth Header)
###  * client_secret_post  (Using POST request)
auth_method: client_secret_basic



Optional Settings

Set use_pkce: true to enable the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.

## PKCE Flow: (Optional)
### Since version v0.5.0
### Enabled PKCE Flow
# use_pkce: true


auth_method needs to be set to client_secret_post when using PKCE.

More information about pkce can be found

Pkce Challenge Method


Optional Settings

### Supported challenge method 
###  * S256 (Recommended) Default if not specified
###  * plain 
# pkce_challenge_method: S256

Pushed Authorization Request (PAR)


Optional Settings (default disable)

Set use_par: true to send the Pushed Authorization Request to the Authorization Server, when doing the Authorization Code Flow.

## PAR (optional)
###  since v0.11.0
###  Sends a Pushed Authorization Request to 
###  Authorization Server, and redirect the user 
###  to the Authorization endpoint with a 'request_uri'.
###  By default, the par endpoint is discovered from the 
###  well-known endpoint 'pushed_authorization_request_endpoint'.
###  reference: rfc9126
### Enable PAR
# use_par: true 
### Override PAR endpoint
# par_endpoint: ""
### Custom key (other than 'pushed_authorization_request_endpoint') on well known endpoint 
# par_endpoint_wellknown_key: "par_endpoint"
### Arbitrary Key/Value parameters to include in PAR request
# par_additional_parameters: 
#   foo:  bar 
#   hello: world

By default, the PAR endpoint of the Authorization Server is derived from the Well Known endpoint via the pushed_authorization_request_endpoint property (rfc9126#section-5).

The PAR request sent by oidc-client contains the same parameters as the typical Authorization request (including extensions like PKCE, ACR Values). The oidc-client will display the PAR response (request_uri, and expires_in) on the terminal, and will only sends the received request_uri and client_id when redirecting the user to the Authorization endpoint (going to

Non Standard PAR Endpoint

If your Authorization Server uses another property than pushed_authorization_request_endpoint on its Well Known endpoint, you can set par_endpoint_wellknown_key: "custom_par_endpoint_property".

If your Authorization Server does not exposes the PAR endpoint at all on its Well Known endpoint, you can specify it via par_endpoint: "".

Additional Parameters In PAR Request

If your Authorization Server supports additional parameters on its PAR endpoints, you can specify a map of Key/Value with

## Format Map[string]string
  foo:  bar 
  hello: world


As defined in rfc9126#section-3, if the request parameter is specified as par_additional_parameters all others parameter than ["request", "client_id", "client_secret", "client_assertion_type", "client_assertion"] will be removed from the PAR request.


Use the --debug to see the PAR request payload.



Mandatory setting

You can update the list of scopes requested using the scopes setting:

## Scopes: (Mandatory)
- openid
- profile

Authorization Server

Issuer (and well-known configuration)


Mandatory setting

You must specify the issuer setting that will be used to construct the OpenID Connect Discovery Configuration (/.well-known/openid-configuration).

## IDP Config: (Mandatory)
### NOTE: this 'issuer' will be used to find the /.well-known/openid-configuration 
###       by adding /.well-known/openid-configuration after the issuer base url 
issuer: ""

Alternative Well Known


Optional Settings

If you Authorization Server exposes a non compliant Well Known endpoint (i.e. not on the same domain as the issuer), you can specify an alternative urls via alternative_wellknown_endpoint, and you can disable Well Known endpoint validation with insecure_wellknown_endpoint: true.

## Alternative Well-Known (Optional)
###  since v0.11.0 
# alternative_wellknown_endpoint: ""
### Disable well known endpoint validation
# insecure_wellknown_endpoint: true

Token Introspection Endpoint


Mandatory setting for the oidc-client introspect subcommand.

See Token Introspection for more info.

You must specify the introspect_endpoint setting that will be used for token introspection request to the Authorization Server.

## Introspect: (Mandatory for 'introspect sub command')
introspect_endpoint: ""

Overriding Authorization Server Endpoints


Optional Settings

If you need to override some endpoints from the discovery .well-known/openid-configuration build from the issuer, you have the option of setting those endpoints:

  • token_endpoint: endpoint used for getting Access Token
  • authorize_endpoint: endpoint used for the Authorization code flow
  • jwks_endpoint: endpoint used for getting JSON Web Keys for signature validation
## Override Token endpoint: (Optional)
###   You can override some endpoints after they are fetched from ./well-known/openid-configuration
# token_endpoint: ""
# authorize_endpoint: ""
# jwks_endpoint: ""

Skip Userinfo Call


Optional Settings

Some Authorization Servers returns all the claims directly in the ID Token, or some don't even support the userinfo_endpoint. For those reasons, if you don't need to make the extra userinfo call, you can disable it by setting skip_userinfo_call: true.

## Skip Userinfo: (Optional)
###   Disable call to userinfo endpoint
# skip_userinfo_call: true


This parameter can be overridden at run time by passing --skip-userinfo flags for the oidc-client client and oidc-client refresh-token sub commands.


Token Signing Algorithms


Mandatory setting

You can list the signing algorithms that the client support for validating token signatures.

## Token Signature Alg: (Mandatory)
###   List allowed signing algorithm for token validation
- "RS256"


The tokens will be validated against the jwks_uri metadata value from the Authorization Server .well-known/openid-configuration

TLS Settings

Skip TLS Validation


Optional Settings

## TLS Setting: (Optional)
###   Disable TLS certificate validation
# skip_tls_verification: true

Advanced Settings

ACR Values


Optional Settings

If your Authorization Server supports multiple authentication methods, you specify acr_values during the authorization endpooint call with:

## Acr Values: (Optional)
# acr_values: "urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:citizen:Level100"

Additional Parameters In Authorization Request


Optional Settings

If your Authorization Server supports additional parameters on its authorization endpoint, you can specify a map of Key/Value with

## Authorize Request Additional Param (optional)
### since version 0.12.0
### Arbitrary Key/Value parameters to include in Authorize request
### format map[string]string
  claims: '{"id_token": {"foo": {"values": ["bar", "baz"]}}}'


You can also use this to override default generated parameter (like redirect_uri).

AMR Validation


Optional Settings

If your Authorization Server supports multiple authentication methods, and sets the amr field in the id_token, you can validate allowed value with the amr_list setting. The client will validate that at least one of the configured amr value from the amr_list is present in the amr field from the id_token.

## AMR List: (Optional)
###  List of allowed amr value, the validation
###  will be successful if a least one of the amr
###  in the list if present in the token
# amr_list: 
# - eid
# - bmid
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level500
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level450

ACR Validation


Optional Settings

If your Authorization Server supports Authentication Context Class Reference, and sets the acr field in the id_token, you can validate allowed value with the acr_list setting. The client will validate that the value of the acr claim in the id_token is present in the amr_list.

## ACR List: (Optional)
### Since v0.8.0
###  List of allowed acr value, the validation
###  will be successful if 'acr' claim from id_token
###  is present in this list
# acr_list: 
# - "0" ## detault when acr are not implemented 
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level500
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level450
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level400
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level350
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level200
# - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level100

Stateless (JWT) Access Token


Optional Settings

Stateless Access Token are in JWT format that contains some information, and thus do not need to be introspected.

By setting access_token_jwt: true the oidc-client will attempt to validate the Access Token jwt signature against the JWKS endpoint of the Authorization Server, and then print the content of the Access Token.

##  Access Token JWT: (Optional)
###   Parse and Validate access token jwt
# access_token_jwt: true


Unlike for the ID Token, only basic JWT signature and issuer (iss) are validated

Stateless (JWT) Refresh Token


Optional Settings

Stateless Refresh Token are in JWT format that contains some information, and thus do not need to be introspected.

By setting refresh_token_jwt: true the oidc-client will attempt to validate the Refresh Token jwt signature against the JWKS endpoint of the Authorization Server, and then print the content of the Refresh Token.

##  Refresh Token JWT: (Optional)
###   Parse and Validate refresh token jwt
# refresh_token_jwt: true


Unlike for the ID Token, only basic JWT signature and issuer (iss) are validated