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Token Introspection


For the introspect subcommand the introspect_endpoint: is mandatory.

See configuration for more details.


  1. Use a previously obtained Refresh Token or Access Token with the client configuration config.yaml:
    oidc-client introspect --config config.yaml --token [Token]
  2. The client will Introspect the Token and display the response from the server
    [INFO]  oidc-client: Introspect Response:
      | {
      |     "active": true,
      |     "scope": "openid profile",
      |     "client_id": "some_client_id",
      |     "username": "alice",
      |     "token_type": "Bearer",
      |     "exp": 1644084182,
      |     "sub": "alice",
      |     "iss": "",
      |     "expiry": "2022-02-05T19:03:02+01:00",
      |     "issued_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      |     "not_before": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      | }
    [INFO]  oidc-client: Introspect Raw:
      | {
      |     "active": true
      | }

How it works?

The CLI client sends the token introspection request to the Authorization Server, based on the config (config.yaml).

It will parse the JSON response according to the rfc7662 and outputs them in Introspect Response:.


expiry, issued_at and not_before are not standard fields, but they are human readable forms of the corresponding standard fields exp, iat, nbf (respectively) that are expressed as Unix Timestamps.

In some case the Authorization Server can choose to include additional fields in the token introspection response. For that the raw Introspection Response is displayed under Introspect Raw:.

CLI Usage

oidc-client help introspect
Introspect token

  oidc-client introspect [flags]

  -c, --config string   oidc client config file
  -h, --help            help for introspect
      --token string    Token to introspect

Global Flags:
  -d, --debug      debug mode enabled
      --no-color   disable color output