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Refresh Token


  1. Use a previously obtained Refresh Token with the client configuration config.yaml:
    oidc-client refresh-token --config config.yaml  --refresh-token [Refresh Token]
  2. The client will automatically exchange the Refresh Token for a new Access Token Response, ID Token and fetch the Userinfo
    [INFO]  oidc-client: Access Token Response:
      | {
      |     "access_token": "",
      |     "refresh_token": "",
      |     "scope": "openid profile ",
      |     "id_token": "",
      |     "token_type": "Bearer",
      |     "nonce": "-",
      |     "expires_in_human_readable": ""
      | }
    [INFO]  oidc-client: IDToken Claims:
      | {
      | }
    [INFO]  oidc-client: Userinfo Claims:
      | {
      | }
    [INFO]  oidc-client: Stopping server

How it works?

The CLI client will parse the config file (--config) and fetch the Issuer .well-known/openid-configuration. The client will then exchange the Refresh Token (--refresh-token`) for a new Token Response, including a new Access Token, Refresh Token, and ID Token.

Unless --skip-id-token-verification is set, the client will

  1. validate the ID Token Signature against the Authorization Server jwk_uri
  2. if amr_list is configured, validate that at least one of the amr from the ID Token is present in the amr_list

Unless --skip-userinfo is set, the client will use the Access Token obtain to fetch user profile information from the userinfo endpoint.

CLI Usage

oidc-client help  refresh-token
Renew tokens with Refresh Token

  oidc-client refresh-token [flags]

  -c, --config string                oidc client config file
  -h, --help                         help for refresh-token
      --refresh-token string         Refresh Token
      --skip-id-token-verification   Skip validation of id_token after renewing tokens

Global Flags:
  -d, --debug           debug mode enabled
      --no-color        disable color output
      --skip-userinfo   Skip fetching Userinfo