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This page regroups some of the most common errors.

Closing Local Server

Use CTL+C to close the local http server

^C2022-01-21T18:56:07.357+0100 [INFO]  oidc-client: Got signal: sig=interrupt
2022-01-21T18:56:07.358+0100 [INFO]  oidc-client: Server is shuting down: error="http: Server closed"

Configuration Validation Errors

Missing Mandatory Settings

  • example missing client_id, client_secret:
    oidc-client client --config example/wrong.yaml                                                    
    Key: 'OIDCClientConfig.ClientID' Error:Field validation for 'ClientID' failed on the 'required' tag
    Key: 'OIDCClientConfig.ClientSecret' Error:Field validation for 'ClientSecret' failed on the 'required' tag
    2022-01-21T18:48:47.385+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Could not validate config

Incorrect Auth Method

If auth_method is not one of

  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post
oidc-client client --config example/wrong.yaml
Key: 'OIDCClientConfig.AuthMethod' Error:Field validation for 'AuthMethod' failed on the 'oneof' tag
2022-01-21T18:50:34.283+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Could not validate config

Error Well Known Endpoints

  • invalid format
    oidc-client client --config example/wrong.yaml
    2022-01-21T18:52:25.037+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Could create OIDC provider form WellKnown endpoint:

Error Getting Access Token

  • invalid credentials
2022-01-21T18:54:51.511+0100 [INFO]  oidc-client: Go to
2022-01-21T18:55:14.556+0100 [INFO]  oidc-client: Received AuthZ Code: code=Qe5J0drIVTxMLpwKLOF-Ee-t91M
2022-01-21T18:55:14.578+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Failed to get Access Token:
  | oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
  | Response: {"error_description":"Invalid authentication method for accessing this endpoint.","error":"invalid_client"}

TLS error

oidc-client client --config example/wrong.yaml 
2022-01-21T18:57:45.955+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Could create OIDC provider form WellKnown endpoint: err="Get \"\": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-01-21T18:57:45+01:00 is after 2015-04-12T23:59:59Z"
2022-01-21T18:57:45.955+0100 [ERROR] oidc-client: Error creating client: error="Get \"\": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-01-21T18:57:45+01:00 is after 2015-04-12T23:59:59Z"