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Mock User Configuration

Default (Infinite) Mock User


The Default Mock User is used if no other mock user is defined or when the Mock User Queue is empty.

You configure the default mock user using the following settings in the main config.yaml:

## Mock User (Mandatory)
  ## Sub  (Mandatory)
  ###  the user's subject

  ## ID Token Claims (mandatory)
  ### Arbitrary key/values claims to 
  ### add in the id_token
  ### Empty set to '{}'
    ## example adding amr values
      - eid
      - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level500

    ## dummy claims
    foo: bar

  ## Access Token Claims (Optional)
  ### Arbitrary key/values claims to 
  ### add in the access_token
      - eid
      - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level500

      - hello: world
      - bar: baz

  ## Userinfo Claims (optional)
  ### Arbitrary key/values claims to 
  ### add in the userinfo response
  ### Empty set to '{}'

    ## example 
    fedid: "73691e9e7beee3becdf78fc9394d28fe548fe249"
    surname: Jane
    givenName: Doe


Access Token Claims are introduced in release v0.4.0, but are not mandatory for backward compatibility

Multiple Mock Users

Optionally if you need additional different mock users, you can configure the following property in the main config.yaml:

## Additional Mock Users
##  since version v0.3.0
### Users loaded in the UserQueue
mock_user_folder: ./example/users

The mock_user_folder property is a path to a directory containing the additional mock users definition (one per YAML file).

Mock User Files

Each files represents a mock user definition:

## Sub  (Mandatory)
###  the user's subject

## ID Token Claims (mandatory)
### Arbitrary key/values claims to
### add in the id_token
### Empty set to '{}'
  ## example adding amr values
    - eid
    - urn:be:fedict:iam:fas:Level500

  ## dummy claims
  foo: bar

## Access Token Claims (Optional)
### Arbitrary key/values claims to 
### add in the access_token
  custom: claims

## Userinfo Claims (optional)
### Arbitrary key/values claims to
### add in the userinfo response
### Empty set to '{}'

  ## example
  fedid: "F8nZR6mFFlvyGd85CE5Qu5iFD4qaAGivWHdW1evt"
  surname: John
  givenName: Doe

Mock User Queue

The oidc-server will load the mock user definition files found in the mock_user_folder and put them in that order in the User Queue.

For each new Authorize call, the oidc-server will Pop the first user from the Queue and use it for the id_token and userinfo response, until the queue is empty. In which case, it will continue returning the default mock user.

For example, if we have the following files in mock_user_folder:

  • 01-john_doe.yaml
  • 02-babs_jensen.yaml

And we make the following requests:

  1. Authorize request returns the profile of 01-john_doe.yaml
  2. Authorize request returns the profile of 02-babs_jensen.yaml
  3. Authorize request returns the profile of default mock user (mock_user: in the main config.yaml)
  4. Authorize request returns the profile of default mock user
  5. Authorize request returns the profile of default mock user
  6. ...